A Grove of trees, by definition, typically sheds an excessive abundance of sticks and branches over the course of a year.  The Dingmans Ferry UMC Grove for Prayer and Meditation is no exception.  On July 14, Missy Joseph and her two boys, Spencer and Benjamin – along with three other young lads: JD, Jessie, and Ryder Van Derveer – all pitched in for 90 minutes of hard work removing sticks and fallen branches from the Grove.  They also hauled stone, and laid mulch and stone dust on two key Grove pathways.  And, boy, what a difference all this did make to the overall appearance of the Grove!  Thanks, guys, for ‘sticking with’ a seemingly thankless job!  Special thanks, also, to Missy for the many times she and her family have lent their support to various aspects of Grove work and development.