
Safe Sanctuary Policy and Links

The Dingmans Ferry United Methodist Church (DFUMC) is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all children, youth, staff and volunteers who participate in ministries and activities sponsored by the church. We are considered mandated reporters of child abuse as we are responsible for the care, supervision, guidance, or control of children through DFUMC sponsored programs and activities.

Staff/Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is responsible for the Safe Sanctuary Policy and Procedures. The links below will allow you to access the policy, procedures, forms, training and clearances.

       SPRC Update on Clearances

       DFUMC Safe Sanctuary Policy

       Staff Information

o   Procedure: Safe Sanctuary Policy and Clearances for DFUMC Staff and Contractors

o   Forms for Staff:  Clearance Cover form for DFUMC Staff/Contractors and Reimbursement Form for Clearances for DFUMC Staff

       Volunteers Information

o   Procedure: Safe Sanctuary Policy and Clearances for DFUMC Volunteers

o   Forms for Volunteers: Clearance Cover form for DFUMC Volunteers, Reimbursement Form for Clearances for DFUMC Volunteers and Volunteer Waiver Form

       Link for Training

o   Online Training: Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Mandated and Permissive Reporting in Pennsylvania Free Online Training.

       Link for Clearances

o   Report of criminal history from the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP). Starting July 25, 2015, this is free for volunteers and $8 for employees;

o  Child Abuse History Clearance from the Department of Human Services (Child Abuse). Starting July 25, 2015, this is free for volunteers and $8 for employees;  and also

o  FBI - Fingerprint based federal criminal history submitted through 3M Cogent - required for all DFUMC Staff/Contractors and only required for volunteers who have not been a PA resident for the past 10 years. There are 2 websites for this clearance. DFUMC will accept from either agency, but schools will only accept the link through the Department of Education.