Sunday School

The Sunday School class is provided during the worship (from September to May) and it is either one group or two by ages for the purpose to build relationships with children together and with God.

Children come to the sanctuary first to meet all people and to have children's time in the beginning of worship.

After the children's time, they will be led to the Sunday School class to learn more with various activities.

Whenever we have the Holy Communion at the end of the worship, children will come back to the sanctuary and join the communion.

Visitors are always welcomed at the Sunday School programs.

  Nursery: The Nursery is designed for infants and toddlers and is a safe place, equipped with toys and baby furniture.  Parents are welcome to take their child to the nursery at any time if a quiet space is needed. There is an intercom is in the Nursery so you can hear the church service.



Dingman Ferry United Methodist Vacation Bible School July 2014.JPGDingman Ferry United Methodist Vacation Bible School July 2014.JPG
















Dingman Ferry United Methodist Vacation Bible School July 2014.JPGDingman Ferry United Methodist Vacation Bible School July 2014.JPG













Sunday School Live Nativity Cast December 3, 2017
