Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Where are you located?
Where do I park?
How accessible is the church?
Where are the Bathrooms?
What are your worship options and times?
What type of music do you play?
What is the Passing of the Peace
Should my children attend the worship service with me?
What are the ages for the Sunday School Classes?
What is the Nursery Like?
Have Background Checks Been Done on Nursery Volunteers and Sunday School Teachers?
What family programs do you offer?
Do you offer Vacation Bible School (VBS)?
Do you have a Preschool?
When is Communion Offered?
How is Communion Served?
Who can take Communion?
What ministries and missions is the church involved in?
Do you offer Bible Study?
What other options are available?
Do you have a Prayer Chain?
What social groups are available at your church?
Where are you located? Dingmans Ferry United Methodist Church (DFUMC) is located at 115 Myck Road in Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328. Myck Rd is off of Park Rd (by Child's Park), across from the Delaware Ambulance Corps. We are about 25 minutes from Milford, PA. Click here for Directions.
Parking and Accessibility
Where do I park? We has plenty of parking with an upper and a lower parking lot. You can drive right up to the church door if that is easier for dropping off passengers.
How accessible is the church? There are no steps to enter the front entrance of the church and handicapped parking spaces are available. There are two ways to enter Fellowship Hall, which is on the lower level. We have a Stair Chair Lift inside the entrance, and there is also a ramp from the parking lot down to Fellowship Hall.
Where are the Bathrooms? Bathrooms are located on the lower level and accessible through the stairs or chair lift. There are handicapped bathroom stalls available.
Worship Service and Music
What are your worship options? We have 3 worship offerings to help meet your schedule and needs: Coffee Hour is available on Sundays and is scheduled between the two services to provide time for fellowship for our church.
Sunday Service from 9am: This is a traditional worship service with communion. .
Sunday Service from 11:00am: This is a family service with Sunday School classes for children ages Pre-K through Grade 12, and a nursery room is available for infants and toddlers. The Sunday School classes join the service for communion and children's time message.
"Thirsty Thursdays" at 5:55pm -7:30pm: This is a contemporary praise service with a free flowing worship style and children actively participate. The service is held downstairs in Fellowship Hall and includes a light meal, music, a short message by Lay Servants and fellowship/activities.
What type of music do you play? The Sunday Church services offer traditional organ and piano music from the choir.
What is the Passing of the Peace? Passing of the Peace emulates how Jesus greeted his disciples. The typical greeting is "The Peace of the Lord Be With You" and the response " And also with you." People move around the church to shake hands or touch shoulders, while others may hug. It's our way of extending a warm welcome both to visitors and church members in the spirit of fellowship.
Should my children attend the worship service with me? Children are welcomed to attend the Sunday service with you or they can go to Sunday School at the 10:30 AM service. You can take infants or toddlers to the nursery room anytime if needed. There is an intercom in the nursery so you can hear the church service. Visitors are always welcomed at the Sunday School program.
Children and Youth Programs
What are the ages for the Sunday School Classes? The Sunday School classes are grouped by ages and meet weekly to learn Bible Stories and God's Word. Classes meet at 10:30am downstairs in Fellowship Hall and then come to the service for the Passing of the Peace, Communion and Children's Time. Visitors are always welcomed at the Sunday School programs. Come a little earlier to help get your children settled.
What is the Nursery Like? The Nursery is designed for infants and toddlers and is a safe place, equipped with toys and baby furniture. Parents are also welcome to take their child to the nursery at any time if a quiet space is needed. There is an intercom is in the Nursery so you can hear the church service.
Have Background Checks Been Done on Sunday School Teachers? Yes, the safety of children is a priority at our church and we have a Safe Sanctuary Policy in effect that requires Background Checks for our staff and volunteers that work with children.
What family programs do you offer? Our Family Ministry Committee offers family oriented events that are open to the public and church members. These include: Fall Festival, Holiday Social, Easter Egg Hunt, and a Spring and Fall Yard Sale and Kids Clothing Giveaway.
Do you offer Vacation Bible School (VBS)? - Yes, Vacation Bible School is scheduled each summer in July and typically 80-100 children from the local community attend. This is a week long program that is scheduled from 9am-noon. VBS includes lessons from the Bible, games, crafts, singing, outdoor play, snacks and lots of fun for everyone! The program is designed for children from ages 3 up to kids who have finished 5th grade.
Do you have a Preschool Program? Yes, we have the Tree of Life Preschool which is a faith-based preschool program for children ages 2.8 years to 5 years old. There is a three day program and a two day program available. The curriculum is based on early childhood principles and provides a caring, interactive learning environment. We also offer a Playgroup session called the Treehouse on Fridays from 9:30-11:00am for Parents and Toddlers. Click here to see more information about the Tree of Life Programs.
When is Communion Offered? Communion is offered each week at the Sunday services. The Lord's Supper is a holy meal of bread and wine that symbolizes the body and blood of Christ. By sharing this meal, we give thanks for Christ's sacrifice and are nourished and empowered to go into the world in mission and ministry.
How is Communion Served? In the Methodist tradition, the communion elements are grape juice (not wine) and bread. Participants come up to the center aisle to receive the bread and dip it into the wine. This is called the "Intinction" method. We also have gluten free wafers and a separate chalice available.
Who can take Communion? Everyone, regardless of age is or religious affiliation, is welcome to join us in this sharing. We practice "open communion," welcoming all who love Christ, repent of their sins, and seek to live in peace with one another. Children from the Sunday School classes join us each week for communion time.
What is a Love Feast? The term Agape or Love Feast was a religious meal among early Christians that seem to have been originally closely related to the Eucharist and then later practiced by the Moravians. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, introduced the Love Feast to the Methodist Church. In the early days, due to the lack of ordained Methodist ministers, there were few opportunities to take Communion, Therefore the Love Feast was substituted when a Lay Servant serves the bread and wine as a meal, rather than an ordained minister blessing the communion elements.
What ministries and missions is the church involved in? Community Outreach and Service are a major component of DFUMC. We all can make a difference in someone's life by donating our time, items or money. Visit the Ministries menu tab to see more information about these programs and events.
Local Outreach - Free London Broil (3rd Saturday of each month), Kids Clothing Giveaways (in the spring and fall), Baby Pantry, Food Pantry, Holiday Baskets and Christmas Angel gift donations, Adopt a Highway Cleanup (2xs a year), Pastor's Outreach Fund, and Nursing Home Ministries.
Regional & Global Outreach - Shared Ministries of UMC, Crop Walk, Operation Shoebox Christmas project, Red Bird Home Building Ministry in KY, and Bread of the World
Spiritual Growth
Do you offer Bible Study? Yes we have several Bible Study groups that meet to study and discuss the Bible.
Pastors' Tuesday Morning Bible Group from 10am-11:30am - Meets in Room 3 off of Fellowship Hall (lower level)
Wednesday Night Bible Study from 7:30pm-9pm- Meets in Room 3 off of Fellowship Hall (lower level)
What other options are available?
Join us for the Monthly Prayer & Meditation Service in the Sanctuary on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6pm.
Come to the Grove for Prayer & Meditation. This is a specially designed outside Prayer Garden near our lower parking lot that engages visitors in a variety of individual and/or group prayer experiences.
Visit the Spiritual Tab to see more information about these programs and links to devotional readings.
Do you have a Request? Prayer Lists include the names of anyone who may need prayers of healing, support, comfort or encouragement and we keep these people in our daily prayers and in our prayers at worship service. We have two types of prayer lists: Public and Anonymous. Anyone can have a name added to either prayer list by contacting Pastor Sungduk Kim or by contacting the Church Secretary by phone 570-828-2288 or through email at You can also enter the prayer request on the Contact Us form. The Prayer request icon is also listed on our Home Page.
Public Prayer List - This list (which can include minimal details and last names are not necessary) is sent by email to our prayer chain.
Anonymous Prayer Book - This is an anonymous prayer list for those confidential prayers given to the Pastor. Due to confidentiality these prayers cannot be lifted out loud during our Sunday services during prayer time, so this list is put into a Bible and placed onto the altar as a prayer offering to God. It is presented at the beginning of each service and removed at the end to be destroyed, keeping its confidentiality.
What social groups are available? In addition to teams that work on ministry projects, we have several social groups. Send an email to and the Church Secretary will put you in touch with the person in charge of that group.
Joy Circle United Methodist Women's Group - Meet monthly at church and at local restaurants. Meetings times vary from Sunday mornings, Sunday lunch or evenings. Joy Circle also hosts a picnic in August and a Christmas party in December and supports many service projects and missions in the church.
Men's Fellowship Group - This group does not meet on a regular basis but does host the annual Chicken BBQ Fundraiser in August and also works on church projects as needed.
Drama Group - The Drama Group are a diverse and talented group of church members who host an interactive Mystery Theater Dinner each year in the fall that is a big fundraiser for our church. Rehearsals start in the summer and individuals and families are welcome to join the fun as Actors, Stage Crew and Dinner helpers.
Dingmans Ferry Wood Carvers - This group meets on Wednesdays from 9am-12pm in Fellowship Hall and includes men and women from our church and the local community. Wood Carvers work on projects, provide guidance and assistance to each other and enjoy the camaraderie. The group welcomes carvers at all levels and will work with beginners to help them get started.
Visit the Member menu tab to see more information about these programs.